Major Transitions in e-Learning | Effect of Covid-19 on e-Learning


Major Transitions in e-Learning with the Spread of the Covid-19 Pandemic in Canada


Closure look at Covid-19 outbreak!

Covid sounds no less than a nightmare to the people in today’s world because we are the actual sufferers of the pandemic. Until the year 2020, lockdown just used to be a concept in the books, but people could actually discover what it meant when they were locked down. The sudden rise in this new virus took a steep rise, putting the lives of crores and crores of people at risk. A lot of us lost our near and dear ones at the time of the pandemic. It has undoubtedly left us threatened not only medically but also emotionally and financially. Some of the vast sectors which highly got impacted because of the covid-19 pandemic are education, hospitality and FMCG.

Education is one paramount part of human life as it opens much wider growth opportunities along with being the need of the hour. The effect of covid-19 on students’ academic performance has not been significant as it was a sudden transformation in the education system, and many students couldn’t adapt it. In March 2020, WHO declared coronavirus a global pandemic that affected students learning and education extensively.

The closure of the rise in coronavirus put a massive burden on all types of academic institutions like schools, colleges, universities, and even academic assignment help organisations; after the declaration by WHO, all the schools and universities were put to closure which kept continuing for almost a year. The closure had many impacts that the students and all kinds of academic institutions had to deal with. Let’s learn more about how education is affected by coronavirus.

How offline learning suddenly transformed into online learning?

The most prominent educational disruption that the world has seen was the incoming of the covid-19 pandemic. More than 190 countries in the world had to announce a sudden lockdown, and 96% of the population was affected. The covid-19 outbreak led to partial and total lockdown, which turned out to be the prime reason for the considerable impact experienced by the students.

The primary purpose behind the students going from on-school to off-school was the sudden lockdown. This decision was taken considering the health of the youth of the nation. Unquestionably, the students couldn’t stop learning for a very long time, which is why an ongoing concept took a steep rise.

Yes, the concept of e-learning is precisely what I am talking about. E-learning was not a new concept, as many institutions had been providing online classes and lectures to students even before the existence of covid-19. But when we realised that the pandemic didn’t seem to end anytime soon, many alternatives were launched to keep the education process continued. E-learning turned out to be the best way to recover the negative effect of covid-19 on education.

E-learning is nothing but the practice of studying the subjects online instated of attending the classes in person. When the students had no option to go to school, they had to continue their education online as failing to do so alternatively, would have significantly impacted their overall academic career.


Positive and negative transitions in e-learning due to the rise in covid-19

More family time: Students could spend much more time with family and learn with wider scopes when learning online. This is because the lockdown was equally applicable to all the citizens, and no one from the entire family could go out. Indeed, education is affected by covid -19, but it developed better connections between the students and their parents.

Access to a vast range of information: When the students study online, they have access to the internet through which they can research any desired topic and get exuberant information about the same.

Freedom of multitasking: Students can perform multiple tasks all at once when they study from the comfort of their home. It is straightforward for the students to accomplish several tasks at once when they are not bounded. At the school or the university, the students have limited access; hence they cannot perform many tasks at once, but online learning makes it uncomplex and very easy.

Develop better learning strategies: The students can identify which trick works the best for them when learning by themselves. There are various manners in which the students can study and learn effectively. While learning online, the students could quickly identify the best technique for themselves, which not only helps them at the time of learning online but also in future.

The aforementioned are some positive impacts, but some negative are as under

Difficulty in technological connections and attending online classes: Initially no one was prepared to take classes online, which is why many people faced issues with internet connections, connectivity and speed, that highly affected the student’s performance. Initially, the students didn’t have an appropriate and smooth connectivity because of which their learning was significantly affected.

Not getting personal attention in class: has been one of the most considerable effects of covid-19 on student performance in Canada. The student-teacher ratio turned indistinct with the rising of the virus. Initially, the organisations started falling short of tutors which were mainly because of worsening covid-19 situations, which enhanced the need for assignment experts. The assignment help is another alternative that students choose to take guidance when they cannot understand concepts. The assignment helpers provide focused guidance to the students, which makes it much easier for them to understand the concepts and complete their assignments on time.

A temporary latch on social skills and awareness:  When the students learn online from their homes, they had no access to co-curricular and co-scholastic activities. One of the worst effects of covid-19 on student academic performance was because lack of socialising. When students participate in events and sports, they are able to develop a lot of skills that took cessation when they had to stay at home. This negatively impacted the overall development of the students.

Dispirited study environment: When the students learn at the university, they study in an established environment which motivates them to learn immensely. When studying online, the learning process got affected as there was no surety of students being in pleasing surroundings to study and learn the concepts dedicatedly. The offline and online study settings brought significant changes in the learning patterns.

Solutions for the effect of covid-19 on student performance 

No such solution is identified as 100% impactful because the destruction caused by the covid-19 outbreak is unalterable. The students and all the education-related authorities seem to adapt to the new learning culture effectively. The best thing to do for the forthcoming situations is to create highly accurate solutions in terms of online learning. The students who had already been affected by the pandemic shall be considered in the required spaces, and newer policies shall be introduced considering the loss. The system would take some time to be back to normal, but the teaching and assignment submissions pattern shall not be affected to keep the learning active.
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