Write Argumentative Essays by an Experts Essay Writer


How to Ace the Art of Writing Argumentative Essays


There are several genres of essay writing, and argumentative essay writing is one of them. An argumentative essay refers to a piece of writing based on investigation and evidence. Are you trying to write an argumentative essay? Undoubtedly, there is something that you must know before commencing this time-consuming yet exciting task. Let’s get started!

What is an argumentative essay? What should you keep in mind while writing it, and how does it differ from other genres of essay writing? Yes, we have covered all your queries in this blog. After reading this blog, you will no longer have to search for ‘argumentative essay meaning’ on the internet. An argumentative essay, as described above, is a substantial piece of writing that mandates a concrete level of research and investigation skills from the students. The entire format of an argumentative essay is described below. Still, for now, to have a basic notion of argumentative style, you ought to have a clear idea of the topic provided by your professors. 

The overall idea of argumentative essay writing is to showcase the research topic in a pretty concise way and then present the facts and arguments that are logical enough to support your opinion. However, such formats also demand evidential support (logical, anecdotal, factual, or statistical) and a concrete counterargument that will provide your writeup with a cutting-edge and some additional grades over others. 

How argumentative essays are different from the other kinds of essays.

Primarily, there are four major types of essays that the academic institutes often ask for: 

  • Argumentative essays: It is written in a manner to make the readers agree with the specific statement provided to you as a topic. It is crucial to focus on the arguments, statements, and evidence that you present to the readers. For students, the authenticity and rationality of the statement is the crux that will gain you marks. Search for argumentative essay examples or ask our customer service associates to learn more about them. 
  • Persuasive essays: Likewise, an argumentative essay, persuasive writing also attempts to convert the reader, but the focus on presenting the facts is limited. Apart from this, in persuasive writing, writers have the liberty to present opinion-based logic that can be inspired by social, cultural, or traditional ideas or conventions.
  • Expository essays: Compared to others, an expository essay is a shorter format where a writer tries to convey an idea, theme, or basic opinion. Such writing involves introductory formats like process essays or providing a step-by-step guide to the readers. Describe a point and provide a precise explanation of the topic, and here you go. 
  • Analytical essays: A lot more than a summary, an analytical essay demands a robust analysis competent enough to expand the readers’ awareness or knowledge about a particular issue. Research is a vital component of such formats as it demands a bit closer or an expert’s view on the given topic. 

Core elements of the best argumentative essay.

  • Introduction

The real question or the issue is to be clearly stated in this section. An introduction is deemed to be completed only after you have grabbed the reader’s attention. Such space can also be used to discuss the background of the given topic briefly.

  • Supporting statement 1

A paragraph that consists of supporting evidence that you have documented at the time of research. After clearly expressing the supportive argument, it is necessary to write acceptable reasons/evidence (at least 2) to assure the readers about the genuineness of the provided arguments.

  • Supporting statement 2

The same thing can be done with the second and the third supporting statements. Do not forget to present at least two logical and evidence-based reasons to support your arguments.  

  • Supporting statement 3

As discussed above, the main idea remains the same in all the above paragraphs, but the supporting statements keep amending to improve the reliability factors for the readers. The diversity of the facts that you present here is directly proportional to the research conducted in the beginning. 

  • Counterarguments 

This segment or paragraph allows you to effectively utilise the other aspect of the topic. Here you can build an authentic counterargument to bring a contrast to the mind of readers. Never leave this section of your argumentative essay blank, as it allows you to try persuasive skills here. 

  • Conclusions 

After providing your readers with a counterargument, writing a compelling conclusion will prove to be a gamechanger for the whole writeup. Sum up by re-stating your initial claim, and do not try to initiate any new idea in this section.

Ace tips to consider while writing the best argumentative essay

Prepare well before writing.

What is your approach while writing a topic? Do you start writing as soon as you get the topic? If you are doing so, you are definitely on the wrong track, buddy. Here comes your first step. Topic selection, definitely, if you are free to choose the topic, try to select the topic that interests you. Apart from this, it is essential to do some basic research on the topic and make a quick synopsis of the writeup. What points you would include in the supportive arguments, and most importantly, do you have enough evidence to support your claim? An essay is quite a lengthy format, so choose the topic wisely.

Choose on which side you are

Based on the research conducted in the initial phase, you can easily choose a side to which you can claim. Taking a specific stand based on the preliminary research helps you narrow down the search and saves a lot of time. Apart from this, it is also essential to stick to your claim through the entire writeup. 

Make a rough draft

It is crucial to make a rough draft of the paper you are going to write. Start with accumulating sufficient facts and line them up according to the sequence that suits best to write an outstanding essay. Proper formatting and structuring of the essay are crucial to improving the presentation of the assignments. Making a rough draft will also allow you to rigorously present all the statements in an organised manner.

Proofreading and editing the final draft 

Is proofreading important? How does it help you make your assignment look more presentable? Of course, proofreading the final draft before the submission is crucial to eliminate the possibility of errors (grammatical and typographic errors). Students must also focus on the appropriate use of words systematically in the right place. Words mean a lot to the reader, and an inappropriate selection of words may pitch a devastating impact on the overall information you are trying to convey to them. Often students opt for professional proofreaders and editors for this task. Yes, we do provide a professional proofreading service that can save a lot of your time and hard work. 

Assignments help lite: 

Assignments help lite top the list of essay writing services available on the internet. Learners struggling to finish their assignments on time can ask us to help them complete their work. Although you can get all the details quickly from our customer care executive, our assignment experts have still penned down some of the benefits you receive here.

  • A team of experienced essay writers, ready to write an excellent essay whenever you ask us. 
  • Experts here are competent enough to deal with almost all kinds of assignment formats and have fair subject expertise to serve your purpose. 
  • A comprehensively researched and well-structured assignment is what we deliver at affordable rates. Argumentative essay examples are available on the free assignment sample section of our official portal. 
  • Professional proofreaders to enhance the readability and presentation of the completed task. It also eliminates the possibility of any sort of typographic and grammatical errors. 
  • We do provide a copy of a plagiarism-free report that validates the authenticity of the content.
  • Our round-the-clock customer support is better than any other essay writing service operating in this domain. How do we say this with so much confidence? Call us, and we will prove it. 

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